Rapid Promotion™

Our Mission

We’re here to help you develop a career you absolutely love or recover the one you’ve recently lost.

Ever Wonder Why Other People Are Being Promoted…

But You Aren’t?

You might think your boss is conspiring to keep you from your goals, but what most people don’t know is that there are actually 3 main reasons employees don’t get promoted:

  1. Leadership doesn’t think you’re ready.
  2. They still need you where you are.
  3. Your boss thinks you don’t “fit the suit.”

Of course, there are going to be occasional exceptions to these rules, but for the most part, the explanation will fall into one (or all) of those categories.

So… what do you do about it?

First, let me start by telling you

What You Should Not Do

  • DO NOT stay up late into the night turning over your resume and LinkedIn profile

  • DO NOT spend the year reading ten books on “career strategy”

  • DO NOT engage in heated salary negotiations with yourself in the mirror

Hi, I’m Jonathan Miri

If you want to discover how to stand out in your hiring manager’s mind and land your dream position, then you’re absolutely in the right place.

Beyond just helping people get promoted at their job, I train people how to think in a deeper way about who they are and what they want out of their job. It’s one thing to ask for a raise because you want one, it’s another thing to ask because you know you deserve it.

At this point, here’s the question I would be thinking if I were you: Jonathan, why should I listen to you?

I’ll give you 3 reasons…

Rapid Promotion - Jonathan Miri
Career Coach Jonathan Miri

Reason #1

I've Been On All Sides of the Hiring Table

Career Expert Jonathan Miri

As an ambitious corporate employee, I was promoted 6 times in 8 years, rising from entry-level to managing a team of 500.

As a hiring manager, I hired over 350 standout professionals. I personally assessed, interviewed, and chose the best prepared candidates.

Finally, as an HR trainer (training the managers who are deciding whether or not to promote you), I’ve written 4 hiring manuals for several of the world’s largest corporations.

Reason #2

You've Never Had A Teacher Like Me

Career Advice by Jonathan Miri

I was basically born to be a teacher and public speaker. I was always given the narrator’s role in school plays. I taught two graduate-level courses.

And I’ve volunteered to help job candidates for my entire life. Even though teaching doesn’t always “pay well,” it is the single thing that had brought me more joy than anything else in my life.

Reason #3

The Rapid Promotion System Works Fast

Career Tips from Expert Jonathan Miri

I know you’re beyond strapped for time and you wanted the promotion yesterday, so I deliver only the most salient, hardest hitting advice to help you advance your career.

That’s my promise to you: My training materials will dramatically decrease the amount of time you’ll have to wait for your next promotion. And if it doesn’t, believe me, I want to hear about it.

So, if you’re ready to

Jump In and Get Promoted Fast...

I invite you to grab a FREE pass to the Rapid Recovery Plan – a fast-paced online training designed to help you reduce career insecurity or recover from job loss (without investing a ton of your time).

Rising Up,

Jonathan Miri
Founder, Rapid Promotion

P.S. Keep on the lookout for new episodes of the Rapid Promotion Show on YouTube every Wednesday. My focus is always on you, whether you’re one of our amazing clients or merely a casual viewer.

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